Personal Solutions

The Bridge Group provides individuals and families with innovative, cutting-edge products and services to help them grow, protect and conserve their wealth through all stages in life. Taking into account your needs, goals and tolerance to risk, we will work with you to bring clarity to where you’re going and how to get there. Some of our key services are detailed below.

Personal Investing and Retirement

Today more than ever before with so many investment options to choose from there is a growing need for individuals to build a relationship with an adviser that they can trust. Once you’ve reviewed and have found value in our observations and suggestions we can assist you in the implementation of our recommendations. After becoming a client, we continue to earn your trust by providing exceptional service by truly getting to know you and your goals. We differ in that we have built a proactive driven practice. This means that we are reaching out to you for periodic reviews and revision of your strategy as your situation and the economy changes.

Personal Investing and Retirement

Today more than ever before with so many investment options to... Read More

Estate Planning

Over the years you’ve worked hard to build and protect your estate so that one day your heirs and or a charity could benefit from the fruits of your labor. Without proper planning, however, all of your efforts may have been for nothing. With so much uncertainty concerning the estate tax code, it is so important to create a plan that maximizes the transfer of wealth while minimizing probate cost, administrative hurdles and estate taxes. Even if you have executed a plan in the past, it is equally important to review it to ensure it is still viable and reflects your current goals. We work in partnership with your current advisors, accountants or attorneys, or provide you with professional referrals, if needed. After all, if your estate was worth building, isn’t it worth keeping? Please note that we do not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. Please consult with your own advisors regarding your particular situation.

Estate Planning

Over the years you’ve worked hard to build and protect your estate so that one day your... Read More

Financial Planning

Through Michael's affiliation with Eagle Strategies, we provide personalized financial planning to our clients that is specific to several variables including their income, risk tolerance, values, and family. We work with each client to identify and prioritize their goals, explore options, establish effective strategies, construct and execute a plan, and assess the performance of the plan and make adjustments as needed.

Financial Planning

Through Michael's affiliation with Eagle Strategies, we provide personalized financial... Read More

Asset Protection

There are numerous financial strategies and retirement income plans that can help you accumulate assets for the future, shield your business and personal assets from liabilities, and safeguard asset transfer to children and grandchildren. We can help you figure out what the right course of action is for your specific situation and objectives.

Asset Protection

There are numerous financial strategies and retirement income plans that can help you... Read More

Investment Management

Managing your wealth requires a clear understanding of your overall investment objectives. Through Michael's affiliation with Eagle Strategies LLC, our comprehensive investment advisory capabilities utilize a disciplined investment approach that looks beyond traditional asset allocation, while addressing important factors such as risk tolerance levels and investment time horizons.

Investment Management

Managing your wealth requires a clear understanding of your overall investment objectives... Read More

Disability and Long Term Care

To execute a sound retirement strategy, asset and income protection are a must. Designing a plan that encompasses long term care insurance and disability insurance can create the necessary balance in a portfolio to ensure stability and protection of assets.

Disability and Long Term Care

To execute a sound retirement strategy, asset and income protection are a must... Read More

Charitable Planning

Charitable planning allows you to support the organizations and causes that matter to you, while providing immediate income streams and reducing your tax burden. Numerous charitable giving strategies exist, and we can help you design and execute a charitable giving plan that is in alignment with your personal and philanthropic goals.

Charitable Planning

Charitable planning allows you to support the organizations and causes that matter to you... Read More



Personal Investing and Retirement

Today more than ever before with so many investment options to choose from there is a growing need for individuals to build a relationship with an adviser that they can trust. Once you’ve reviewed and have found value in our observations and suggestions we can assist you in the implementation of our recommendations. After becoming a client, we continue to earn your trust by providing exceptional service by truly getting to know you and your goals. We differ in that we have built a proactive driven practice. This means that we are reaching out to you for periodic reviews and revision of your strategy as your situation and the economy changes.


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Estate Planning

Over the years you’ve worked hard to build and protect your estate so that one day your heirs and or a charity could benefit from the fruits of your labor. Without proper planning, however, all of your efforts may have been for nothing. With so much uncertainty concerning the estate tax code, it is so important to create a plan that maximizes the transfer of wealth while minimizing probate cost, administrative hurdles and estate taxes. Even if you have executed a plan in the past, it is equally important to review it to ensure it is still viable and reflects your current goals. We work in partnership with your current advisors, accountants or attorneys, or provide you with professional referrals, if needed. After all, if your estate was worth building, isn’t it worth keeping? Please note that we do not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. Please consult with your own advisors regarding your particular situation.

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Financial Planning

Through Michael's affiliation with Eagle Strategies, we provide personalized financial planning to our clients that is specific to several variables including their income, risk tolerance, values, and family. We work with each client to identify and prioritize their goals, explore options, establish effective strategies, construct and execute a plan, and assess the performance of the plan and make adjustments as needed.

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Asset Protection

There are numerous financial strategies and retirement income plans that can help you accumulate assets for the future, shield your business and personal assets from liabilities, and safeguard asset transfer to children and grandchildren. We can help you figure out what the right course of action is for your specific situation and objectives.

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Investment Management

Managing your wealth requires a clear understanding of your overall investment objectives. Through Michael's affiliation with Eagle Strategies LLC, our comprehensive investment advisory capabilities utilize a disciplined investment approach that looks beyond traditional asset allocation, while addressing important factors such as risk tolerance levels and investment time horizons.

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Disability and Long Term Care

To execute a sound retirement strategy, asset and income protection are a must. Designing a plan that encompasses long term care insurance and disability insurance can create the necessary balance in a portfolio to ensure stability and protection of assets.

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Charitable Planning

Charitable planning allows you to support the organizations and causes that matter to you, while providing immediate income streams and reducing your tax burden. Numerous charitable giving strategies exist, and we can help you design and execute a charitable giving plan that is in alignment with your personal and philanthropic goals.

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